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Government Officials! Check WhatsApp, Your People Have Problems to Share

/ October 26, 2020

How are community media networks like Video Volunteers functioning when social distancing is the norm and venturing into communities is restricted?

Impact Story

IMPACT | VV Correspondent Helps Elderly Couple Live Life of Dignity

/ October 22, 2020

The elderly couple from Rajasthan had medical issues and could not look out for themselves.

Community Survey

Dissent in Democracy: Community Correspondents Discuss the State of the Country on Gandhi’s Birthday

/ October 20, 2020

In recent times, there has been a clampdown on voices of dissent in India. On Gandhi Jayanti, correspondents shared their experiences reporting about issues that may ruffle feathers, and decided that Gandhi would have approved.

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Hathras Protests Reach Mumbai Amid Calls For Justice

/ October 16, 2020

Many civil society organisations are questioning the deteriorating law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh.

Impact Story

Fixing India | The Story of A Medical Sub-Centre, Its Neglect and Revival

/ October 14, 2020

Community correspondent Laxmi Kaurav did a near-impossible task of restarting a medical sub-centre closed for decades.

Community Survey

Poor Labourers From West Bengal Are Falling Prey to Silicosis

/ October 12, 2020

Poor, young men from West Bengal are suffering from occupational diseases without any compensation or treatment

Impact Story

Fixing India: Standing Up for People Affected by the Sardar Sarovar Dam

/ October 8, 2020

Chetan Salve, a community correspondent with Video Volunteers, led the decades-long efforts towards relief to those displaced by Narmada valley projects.

Community Survey

Fixing India: How Community Media Like Video Volunteers Changed During COVID-19

/ October 6, 2020

Fixing India is back with a season 2 documenting some of the most noteworthy impacts Video Volunteers has achieved in the recent past.