
Help Get 25,000 People a Doctor Today!

/ July 16, 2014

Absentee doctor, medical negligence and lack of concern for the health and welfare of residents of Potanai village council.  Let’s turn that around for the better today.   Call to Action:  Pressurise the Chief District Medical Officer to appoint a regular doctor at the Potanai Health Center.    Dr. Bijay...

No Right to Health

/ July 7, 2014

Article 21 of Indian Constitutionstates:Protection Of Life And Personal Liberty: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.This has come to include the Right to Health as a fundamental right and thus the Government has a responsibility to fulfill it. ...

No bridge, so? Just carry the pregnant woman over river

/ July 1, 2014

Sambari Munda, a resident of Turikhol hamlet explains, “We are facing a lot of problems because there is no bridge…We find it difficult even going to the hospital.  During my delivery time, the Janani Express (ambulance) came once.  But the driver refused to cross the naala.  He said I had...

Residents Stand up to Corrupt Anganwadi Contractor

/ June 16, 2014

Under the Integrated Child Development Scheme, Anganwadis which are an all-encompassing health care centre were established in 1975. Its goals are vital and comprehensive: to combat child nutrition and hunger, to provide basic health care, and to offer pre-school education. The main beneficiaries are young children, teenage girls, pregnant women...

Row your sick self to hospital

/ June 12, 2014

For past 10 years Baihna Jatan Panchayat has been without adequate health facilities.  Imagine being ill and having to muster the energy to cross the dangerous river because no roads, transport or ambulance are available to take you to the nearest hospital.  Worse still, during the night, no motorboat operates,...

No Clean Water for 10 years

/ June 10, 2014

Call to Action: Residents of ManiyarChak village are in desperate need for a water hand pump.  Their hand pump stopped working over 10 years ago and the Village Head has not repaired or replaced it since.  They are having to travel up to 1 K.M. to fetch water from the...

Absentee Doctors

/ June 5, 2014

Imagine being sick and going to the governmental hospital to find that there is no one there to treat you.  This is the case in Masalpur where our VV-Correspondent Sunita Kasera reports about her personal experience:  “When I visited this health centre at around 11 o’clock in the morning, I...

Vulnerable without a toilet

/ May 23, 2014

13-year-old Nirama lives in Movaiya village, Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh where 500 people have no access to basic sanitation facilities.  For Nirama, having to relieve herself in the open is an added challenge as she is visually impaired. She is afraid of being teased and more seriously, of being sexually...