
Ayurveda Helps Villagers Stay Healthy

/ December 6, 2010

People in remote Indian village use Ayurveda to deal with inadequate health care.

Pilgrim Bearers Of Kedarnath

/ November 10, 2010

Old or sick pilgrims are carried up to the Kedarnath shrine on the backs of men who compromise their health in the process.

Lac: A Risky Craft

/ November 8, 2010

In India’s high earning lacquer industry, artisans work with poor infrastructure, taking big health risks

Drinking Water That Causes Cancer!

/ October 12, 2010

Residents of a Chattisgarh village in India battle cancer after drinking water contaminated with arsenic.

Green Poison On People’s Platter

/ October 5, 2010

Traders play with people’s lives in Punjab, India, sell vegetables laced with chemical dye that causes cancer.

Chennai Slum’s Sanitation Woes

/ September 22, 2010

Over a million slum dwellers don’t have access to basic sanitation in Chennai – home town of this video’s correspondent.

Legend Frees VillageFrom Smoking

/ September 20, 2010

Residents of Shankarpura, a village in India’s Haryana state follow folk tradition, shun smoking.

Tradition VictimisesHaryana Women

/ September 6, 2010

In a shocking tradition, women in rural Haryana are forced to walk barefoot for 12 days to mourn a death in the family while men can wear shoes.