
Drinking Water ends Thirst after a Decade’s Struggle

/ January 6, 2017

A little child turns the village tap in hope of water, but all he says he looks up and says, “There is no water.” The tap had run dry 10 years ago, in the village of Saraipallai, Chhattisgarh but the administration had paid little heed to fix the dysfunctional water...

Six months later, students of a government school wait for textbooks

/ January 5, 2017

Suraj Kumar, a student of Bishnupur Government School, is the first person from his family to have a chance to go to school. His family has big dreams for him, hoping that he finishes basic education and moved up the economic ladder. But he and his schoolmates are worried about...

Mindless deforestation in name of development

/ January 4, 2017

Thousands of trees all over Jharkhand, many of them century-old, have been cut for road widening and infrastructure development projects of the State’s administration. Many more trees face the same fate. The citizens, including some organisations, have objected on the mindless destruction of trees, to pave way for roads in...

Restrictions on women’s mobility

/ December 24, 2016

“Girls have a lot of restrictions on them. Boys don’t have any restrictions. Also boys say bad things when they see a girl by herself”. A teenager from Jharkhand rationalises why there’s so much restrictions on her mobility, thus. Four years from the horrific murder and rape of Jyothi Singh...

Restrictions on women’s mobility

/ December 24, 2016

"Girls have a lot of restrictions on them. Boys don't have any restrictions. Also, boys say bad things when they see a girl by herself."

Take Action

The Pink Auto service : The Story of a woman Auto Driver in Small Town...

/ December 13, 2016

Shanti Lakra confidently zooms through the streets of Ranchi, negotiating the pot holes, traffic and surprised onlookers in her pink auto rickshaw. Her passengers, only females, feel comfortable in her auto, happily chatting with her about their daily lives, discussing the latest films, asking Shanti about her unusual profession as...

Take Action

Industrial Pollution goes unchecked in Chhattisgarh

/ December 13, 2016

The once green fields have turned black with fly ash, water has turned toxic in the community lake and farmers are forced to become labourers. Industrialisation is changing this village.  When the news of industrial development had reached this village of Chhattisgarh, the residents were hopeful that they will reap...

7 widows from one village still don’t receive their pensions

/ December 13, 2016

Seven widows, all hailing from a village in Jharkhand called Kanke, have not received their Widow Pension for years. Despite representations to the Block Development Officer in charge of their village. Hear Sameda Khatun’s sad story. She was widowed at the young age of 32 in 2003. Fortunately her son...