
Corruption Beckons Unpaid Panchayat Members

/ June 30, 2011

Assamese Panchayat members do not receive any wages and struggle to make ends meet.

Injured Electrician Fights For Compensation

/ June 13, 2011

In Solan, Jag Bahadur hasn’t received any compensation after being electrocuted.

Unhygienic Pickle Factory Endangers Health

/ June 3, 2011

Pickle factory in Mumbai’s slum, is unmonitored by owner and overlooked by health department.

Slapdash Road Repair For Minister’s Visit

/ June 2, 2011

After years of disrepair, a road was hurriedly constructed overnight for the Chief Minister’s visit in Bageshwar, Uttarakhand.

Dalits Raise Voice Against Land Usurpers

/ April 26, 2011

In Kanchiwaram, Tamil Nadu, Dalits are fighting to get land that had been donated to them.

Exploiting The Poor In The Name Of Festivity

/ April 11, 2011

During Kumbh Mela festival, cleaners are hired with total disrespect for labour laws.

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ April 8, 2011

VV reporter exposes corruption, brings change in rural school in Jharkhand

Exploitation Of Beedi Workers

/ March 29, 2011

Beedi workers in Ghurpur, UP, earn less than the minimum wage and have no access to schemes set up for them.