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How to survive India’s pensions I India Loud & Clear I Episode 1

/ July 30, 2019

What’s it’s like to be one of India’s 125 million elders and live your ageing days in extreme poverty?

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PMAY: Corruption Brings Housing Construction to a Standstill in UP’s Village

/ May 1, 2019

Beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna in Purva village, Uttar Pradesh, live in half-built houses while facing corruption and threats.

Uttar Pradesh Fails to Ensure Food Security Amidst Rising Hunger

/ November 20, 2018

A village in Kushinagar lives on the brink of malnourishment as the Public Distribution System fails to deliver to the most disenfranchised. Or, fails to ensure last mile service delivery.

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Waiting for the Pittance that is the Disability Pension

/ September 21, 2018

A woman living with 90 percent disability in West Bengal waits for her pension of a thousand rupees a month, while the administration shuts its doors on her and her husband.

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Waiting for the Promised Pucca House

/ August 17, 2018

A family of five living below poverty line in West Bengal has been hoping that their votes will get them a pucca house. Will their fate change with elections next year?

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Living with Food Insecurity in Uttar Pradesh

/ July 2, 2018

Many residents of Shivpuri village in Uttar Pradesh are living in vulnerability without the food security that comes with having a ration card.

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Landless Labourers Deprived of Housing Rights

/ April 18, 2018

The Centre's housing scheme promises 'housing for all' by 2022. In Maharashtra, the state government has gone one step ahead and declared that they will meet the target by 2019. But this ground report cuts a sorry picture.