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Where are the Muslim Women in Indian Politics?

/ May 6, 2019

Six women talk about the condition of Muslim women's participation in Indian politics, and how it is affecting our society.

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Bailancho Saad: Fighting Patriarchy in Goa, One Issue at a Time

/ April 15, 2019

Since 1986, Bailancho Saad is collaborating with different organisations, and working towards women rights, equality and dismantling patriarchy.

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Kumbh 2019: Rules of Patriarchy Broken by Trans Community’s Kinnar Akhada

/ March 29, 2019

History was created at this year’s Kumbh as ‘Kinnar Akhada’ carried out a procession to break the rules of patriarchy.

Impact Story

Women in Varanasi Take Charge of their Own Future

/ February 14, 2019

Shabnam Begum is dismantling patriarchy by helping women from a conservative society push boundaries and to study, work and to be treated as equal members of society.

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Not ‘Honour’ Killings, but Murders to Exert Power

/ August 14, 2018

‘Honour’ killings aren’t about honour at all - they are murders carried out by the apparently powerful to maintain status quo of caste, power, and property.

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National Girl Child Day: Why Should Girls Embody Family Honour?

/ January 24, 2018

The belief that girls and women embody a family's honour is quite universal even today. Here's how the belief is being challenged, in homes, in public spaces and in the online world.

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Women Should be Younger than Their Husbands and Other Lessons of Patriarchy

/ October 20, 2017

Men and women alike internalise gender discrimination. Is there a way to unlearn patriarchy? Saket is in middle school. But he’s very sure of the reason behind the difference in legal marriageable age of women (18) and men (21). “It is so that women can’t dominate us,” he says with...

Community Survey

#PropertyForHer: More Than Just A Room of Her Own

/ October 11, 2017

While we push for uniform civil codes, it is important to remember that everyday discrimination remains a significant barrier to #PropertyForHer Tallulah was only two when her father passed away. Her mother was twenty two at that time, with two infants. Circumstances were so dire that Tallulah and her sister...