
Community Survey

Even After Seven Decades of Independence, Villages of India Yet To Be Electrified

/ September 18, 2020

The Union government's Soubhagya Jyoti scheme aimed to electrify every Indian village by Mar 2019. But that ambition is yet to be realised.

Community Survey

Odisha’s Transgender Community Helps Tide Over COVID-19 Pandemic

/ August 21, 2020

Despite lack of respect and fundamental rights, transgenders are helping the Indian society where every effort counts

Poor Mother Took Loan to Bring her Sons Back

/ July 4, 2020

Mother of Prasanta Naik took a loan to bring her sons back who were working in Chennai.

Impact Story

Celebrations! A tribal Village is Open defection Free now.

/ February 19, 2020

Applauds for our Community Corresspondent Satya Banchor! He acted as a strong catalyst in bringing about this change in the lives of the poor tribals. 

No Cards

Girl Living in the Slum, Becomes the Second Topper in Odisha

/ August 20, 2019

It was a tussle between poverty and education, a slum dweller, Subhashree topped second scoring 93% in her exams.

No Cards

Extreme Caste Discrimination Leaves Puri’s Dalits Threatened and Looted

/ July 5, 2019

One of India’s biggest religious hubs, Puri, is also a hub for atrocities against Dalits by upper caste individuals.

No Cards

Caste Discrimination Took Precedence Over Humanity During Cyclone Fani

/ May 29, 2019

While Odisha is trying to gather pieces after Cyclone Fani, Dalit community in the Puri, are facing caste discrimination in the wake of catastrophe.

No Cards

Cyclone Fani Leave Residents of Odisha’s Mangalpur and Sainto Without Food, Water and Shelter

/ May 15, 2019

State Government carried off a mammoth task of evacuation before Cyclone Fani struck Odisha, but the condition of the interior areas is far worse than predicted.