
Impact Story

Spike in Deliveries after Health Centre Gets Water Supply

/ July 6, 2018

A Health Centre in Chhattisgarh was running without regular water supply for three years, affecting the health and well-being of about ten villages.

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Nomadic Community Deprived of Access to Safe Water

/ May 21, 2018

Women and girls across the world spend 200 million hours every day fetching water; what is worse is that in many cases, this water, often contaminated, only leads to disease.

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Without Clean Drinking Water, Village Residents Succumb to Diarrhoea

/ August 9, 2017

Village goes without water supply for half a month, residents forced to draw water from nearby BSF camp or consume unsafe pond water. “India got its freedom in 1947, but we have no water even now”, says a visibly angry Ajit Soren, a resident of a West Bengal village. His...

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Only Iron-Contaminated Water for Village at Himalayan Foothills

/ August 4, 2017

For three years, this Bengal village has been thirsting. The handpumps spurt harmful, iron-rich water, and there is no pipeline water supply in sight.

Kashmir Floods: A first hand account

/ September 30, 2014

It was the closing ceremony of our week-long training workshop on 6th evening. IndiaUnheard had just come to Jammu and Kashmir where 9 new Community Correspondents had been recruited and trained. Our new CCs were excited to begin their work inthe field. Everyone was talking about the flash floods, which...

Farmer rally for stop farmer suicide in Odisha

/ June 15, 2016

“5000 farmers from western Odisha, marched to the main square, Gangadhar Mandap, of Sambalpur city in agitation as Odisha government refuses to link farmer suicides to crop failure. The state inquiry reports state that the farmer deaths are mainly due to family disputes and excessive liquor consumption and not due...