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Transgender India: Surviving society

/ February 22, 2020

This week in India Loud & Clear we take you in the rainbow world of transgenders.

Impact Story

Celebrations! A tribal Village is Open defection Free now.

/ February 19, 2020

Applauds for our Community Corresspondent Satya Banchor! He acted as a strong catalyst in bringing about this change in the lives of the poor tribals. 

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Micro Impact to Macro Impact: How to escalate an issue?

/ February 14, 2020

Community Correspondents use many strategies to escalate an issue by increasing the scale or reach of their videos and finding ways to put pressure on government functionaries.

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Phone-Based Filming Training by MoJo Experts

/ February 12, 2020

Thousands of phone shot films and hundreds of solved cases: our correspondents are now available for conducting training on phone based filming and grassroots activism.

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Gavari: A Vibrant, Rajasthani Folk Dance of Devotion and Celebration

/ February 10, 2020

A 40-day long festival celebrated as a distinct art form in Mewar area of southern Rajasthan

Take Action

Lack of Anganwadi Workers Affecting Children and Women Attending the Anganwadi Centres

/ February 3, 2020

Two anganwadi centers in Nashik, has stopped proving any healthcare services to their beneficiares, as the AWW refuses to come to the center. 

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All Women Kabaddi Competition: An Effort to Break the Barriers of Purdah

/ February 7, 2020

Women from over 35 villages, in Chhattisgarh, came together, organised an all-women Kabaddi Competition and shattered all stereotypes and inhibitions.