
Lights Out! Jharkhand village has no electricity since past three years

/ May 3, 2016

As the sun sets on the horizon, darkness literally falls in the lives of families residing in a small hamlet of Dumburu of Bangaon block in Jharkhand. The village had a brief experience of electrified homes in early 2013. But it was pushed back into darkness again within six months...

VV Impact: Women fight against discrimination, win work in NREGA after two years

/ May 1, 2016

Women of Keshavpur village, Uttar Pradesh had been denied work under NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) for two years because of the patriarchal views of the authorities of the region. Under NREGA, every member of rural India, who demands work has the right to get work. However, the employment...

Bribed but denied – 50 elders of Jharkhand village without pension, ration

/ April 29, 2016

Deocharan Manjhi, an old man in a village in Jharkhand struggles to survive but his struggle isn’t so much as physical, as much as fighting for a dignified survival. It has been many years since Manjhi has been unsuccessful in applying for the old age Pension Scheme to get his...

Provident funds worth eight years not paid to tea workers in Bengal

/ April 28, 2016

The cup of refreshing morning tea in front of you has a tale of rampant labour exploitation and corruption. The area of North Bengal, where tea cultivation is the primary industry, has been dealing with a gruesome wave of starvation of more than 1.1 million tea-workers due to low or...

FIR denied to a Survivor of Domestic Violence

/ April 26, 2016

India has entered into a new millennium, termed as the development phase but from the dawn of civilization till today but women under the patriarchal society of India continue to be oppressed and ill-treated. A woman is subjugated – dependent, weak, exploited and faces gender discrimination in every sphere of...

Primary school sans boundary walls put students in danger

/ April 25, 2016

While play breaks are looked forward in a primary school, the play breaks in the school compound of Bhishwa municipal primary school, Uttar Pradesh can be a ground for a tragedy. The school, which has more than 50 students has no boundary walls and faces a busy road which witnesses...

Coal fire is burning a village since 20 years

/ April 22, 2016

As we all celebrate the World Day today, a village in Jharkhand continues to be engulfed by noxious fumes coming from a coal mine fire as high as three floors nearby. Kujju-Collieries Mines in Ramgarh district of Jharkhand has been burning continuously for 20 years now, putting lives of nearly...

Impact: Goa’s rich green cover saved by community uprising

/ April 22, 2016

The local residents of Goa have used traditional medicines made from various local herbs and plants found their gardens and forest to lead a healthy life. The foliage in the forest is fodder for cattle from nearby villages. The Forest department of Goa was felling indegenous trees of the local...