
Documenting the Aftershocks: Village in Kashmir cries for compensation

/ December 24, 2014

Floods that hit Kashmir earlier this year, destroyed the crops of Krechapathri village in Shopian district. Community Correspondent Musheer ul Haq Manhaas reports on the damage caused by water and the troubling conditions faced by locals. The Assembly Elections that will conclude on Friday have delayed the rehabilitation drive following...

Kashmir Flood Survivors still wait for compensation

/ December 24, 2014

As the Assembly Elections come to a close in Jammu & Kashmir, those affected by September’s floods continue to wait on relief and compensation. Will the newly formed government be able to take on this mammoth task? This report from Lelhaar in Pulwama evidences the damage done to the lives...

No BPL Ration Cards for Kashmiris of Baramulla

/ December 23, 2014

Community Correspondent Abid reports on the plight of locals in Baramulla district of Jammu & Kashmir, who haven’t received the Below Poverty Line ration card. The card is essential to obtain subsidised food grains from government shops.

Update from Zaalapora, Bandipora, J&K

/ December 11, 2014

The water supply and electric supply has been restored in the area to a large extent. However the compensation issues and road connectivity in Zaalapora has still not been addressed by the Government. Although RTI applications have been filed by people in the concerned departments, they are yet to receive a...