
Price Rise Leaves Poor Hungry

/ January 21, 2011

Radical price rise of food drastically affects the lives of the poor in Allahabad.

Solar Technology Secures Crops

/ January 3, 2011

In a remote  village of Goa, farmers use solar technology to safeguard their crops from wild animals.

Dam Built, Tribals Damned

/ November 19, 2010

Villagers displaced by the Mogra dam project have still not been rehabilitated five years later.

Incomplete Bridge Stalls Development

/ November 9, 2010

Rural community suffers as infrastructural projects lay incomplete in India’s Jharkhand.

Toilets For Villagers – A Success Story

/ October 22, 2010

Successful implementation of government sanitation program brings joy to a rural community in Orissa

Railway Expansion Displaces Villagers

/ October 13, 2010

A railway development project in Bihar puts an entire village in danger of displacement without adequate rehabilitation plans.

Pineapple FestLifts Gloom

/ August 31, 2010

Pineapple festival provides market, raises hopes of Manipur’s farmers after long spell of economic loss .

Slum Escapes Eviction

/ August 16, 2010

Legal intervention, sought by activists including our correspondent Ajeet Bahadur has helped 200 slum dwellers escape eviction in Allahabad.