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Mourning in Mount Abu: Garasia Tribe | Living Cultures – Episode 2

/ July 19, 2019

The Garasia tribe believe that their God clawed out a lake in the mountain with his fingernails. The oldest inhabitants of Mount Abu immerse fingernails of their deceased loved ones in the Nakki Lake. The Garasia tribe is one of the most colourful and culturally rich communities in the desert...

Uttar Pradesh: Wife Abused for Dowry and Forced into Prostitution by Husband

/ July 17, 2019

Uttar Pradesh woman demands justice after her husband domestically abused her for dowry and forced her into prostitution.

World Youth Skill Day: “Sustain Ancestral Skill or Earn Livelihood?” Question Next Gen Banaras Weavers

/ July 15, 2019

On World Youth Skill Day, young weavers from Banaras talk about their dilemma between sustaining their ancestral skill of weaving or earning a better livelihood with a different skill. 

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Anwesha Clinic: Educating Adolescents About Menstruation and Mental Health

/ July 10, 2019

Anwesha Clinic in West Bengal is an initiative in creating awareness around menstruation, mental health, and hygiene among adolescents.

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Living Cultures: The ‘Zagor’ of Goa

/ July 9, 2019

In tradition to appease their gods, the indigenous Gowda tribe in Goa celebrates a colorful festival called Zagor.

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Dowry Demands Continue to Haunt This Family in Uttar Pradesh

/ July 8, 2019

When Pushpa, from Varanasi, got married, her family gave everything they could, but soon she was asked to leave, as the dowry demand was not met.

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“Full Electrification” Still Leaves Out Many in Rural India

/ July 8, 2019

The central government claimed India had achieved “full electrification” in April 2018, but evidence from VV’s network of correspondents proved otherwise. In this piece, we revisit our #Battigul (no electricity) campaign to see if the situation has changed.

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Extreme Caste Discrimination Leaves Puri’s Dalits Threatened and Looted

/ July 5, 2019

One of India’s biggest religious hubs, Puri, is also a hub for atrocities against Dalits by upper caste individuals.