
The Tide is Changing: Victories on the Road to Ending Untouchability

/ April 15, 2014

Untouchability. You may think that this horrendous practice has disappeared in 21st century India, an India that is running towards socio-economic development; you may think that caste identities no longer govern people’s lives. Look around you, caste based discrimination carries on in the most insidious ways possible—in matrimonial ads; when...

Our lives are threatened because we are asking for food. It is our right, right?

/ January 30, 2017

“You’re asking for rights? Do you know what caste you belong to?,” the Sarpanch (Village Head) reminded Samaru Vanvashi, a Dalit resident of Bisapur village in Uttar Pradesh. Samaru had approached the Sarpanch because he had not been paid his NREGA salary since 2014 and had not received his rationed...

Impact: Video Brings Justice to Caste Atrocity Survivors

/ February 20, 2014

As India celebrated its 66th Independence Day, the Dalits of Dandva Baddi Village were under attack from the upper caste people. Community Correspondent Amarjeet had reported the case from Rohtas District, Bihar, in his very first video. The skirmish left 54 injured and one dead. Many lost all their belongings...

Pregnant Girl Strangulated and Dumped in the Name of Honour

/ January 10, 2017

Geeta, a 17-year-old girl, struggled to breathe as her father Kailash, strangulated her. Her grandmother, Mem, struggled to free Geeta from Kailash’s grip, but hate was stronger than love, and Geeta died. ” I saw it happen in front of me. Her body was thrown in the dump yard by...

Caste or Daughter? “Caste” said the father.

/ November 26, 2016

An honor killing or shame killing is the homicide of a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family. A father killed his own daughter because she eloped with a boy from another caste and...

Loopholes in Police investigation in a Dalit Woman’s Murder. Was it a foul play?

/ December 1, 2016

A Dalit woman Subita, from a poor household was found dead on the side of a well-traveled road in Maharashtra. While the police have lodged a mere accident report, the relatives including the deceased’s’ husband Satish and his parents are alleging foul play – saying that she was murdered in...