
Five Months On, Minor Trafficked from Malda Yet to be Traced

/ October 19, 2018

West Bengal accounts for the highest number of reported trafficking cases in the country, yet victims often suffer further due to police inaction.

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Gaya’s Village of Migrant Workers

/ October 16, 2018

Out of the 132 families in this Bihar village, at least hundred have seen their younger members migrate in search of work, but not necessarily a better life.

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Health Workers Asserting their Rights Intimidated, Threatened by the Police

/ October 10, 2018

Police cracks down on demonstrating health workers in Bhopal, illegally detaining them; the workers are fighting for better pay and working conditions.

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Government Evicts Nomadic Communities in Jammu Without Notice or Rehabilitation

/ October 8, 2018

The Forest Right Act does not apply to Jammu & Kashmir, making nomadic communities in the state vulnerable to alienation, eviction and violence.

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Human Elephant Conflict on the Rise while Families Await Compensation

/ October 5, 2018

The Dooars are known to be human animal conflict zones; infrastructure development, illegal mining and land fragmentation are only adding to the problem.

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Proposed Port Development in Goa Threatens to Wipe out Fishing Communities

/ October 3, 2018

Sagarmala, a project designed to modernise India’s ports, threatens to wipe out the livelihoods of fisherfolk in Goa.

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Meet the Woman Who Changed Her Name at 45

/ September 28, 2018

Hundreds of girls in India are given names indicating they’re unwanted. A woman in Haryana broke this spell and took on a new name.

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In Poonch, the Lack of a Road Hampers Education

/ September 26, 2018

Governments come and governments go, but in half a century, none has built a road to this government higher secondary school in Poonch.