
Sanjhi Art: A Symbolic Gender Equalizer

/ December 1, 2010

Traditional Indian art form Sanjhi helps create gender sensitivity.

Corruption Hinders BPL scheme

/ November 17, 2010

BPL cards are not issued to those who need them most.

Lac: A Risky Craft

/ November 8, 2010

In India’s high earning lacquer industry, artisans work with poor infrastructure, taking big health risks

Microcredit Empowers Our CC

/ October 27, 2010

VV Community Correspondent  Rohini takes microloan, buys a computer to improve her livelihood through IndiaUnheard.

Ironsmiths’ Children Yearn For Education

/ October 19, 2010

Children from the Ironsmith community in Rajasthan long to go to school instead of hammering metal.

Gender Bias In Wages

/ October 15, 2010

Women farm workers in rural India labour hard, but are paid only half of what men are. This video captures the bias in Maharashtra state

Can Uniform AloneEnsure Education?

/ September 27, 2010

Rajasthan introduces common uniform code for students of private and government schools. ‘Focus on standard of education’, say parents.

Women CelebrateFreedom Fest

/ September 14, 2010

Rural women in India’s Maharashtra state get to play and dance – normally considered a taboo – on Nag Panchami.