
No Sanitation:Public Health at Risk

/ July 21, 2010

The lack of public toilets in Rajasthan’s Karauli market poses severe public health and economic challenges for residents.

Great Schemes Poorly Implemented

/ July 9, 2010

Women cast outside of society receive little support from the government.

Maternal Scheme Undelivered

/ July 7, 2010

Women are not receiving the maternal healthcare benefits outlined in the government’s Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme.

AIDS StigmatizesChild’s Life

/ June 17, 2010

At this moment, India has a relatively low level AIDS prevalence rate in comparison to other countries.

Child Brides Abound

/ June 9, 2010

Despite laws prohibiting child marriage, India has the highest rate of child marriages in the world.

Tribals Seek Harmony

/ June 4, 2010

Roshan brings us a story from the Kokna tribes of Dang, Gujarat.

Devdasi or Temple Slave

/ May 25, 2010

Devdasi is the institutionalized practice of exploiting women by religious organizations and temples.

Marchers Protest Dam

/ May 21, 2010

The Sardar Sarovar Dam project has already displaced thousands in the Narmada River Valley.