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All Is Lost To A Mindless Massacre

/ August 1, 2018

Along with dead bodies, much more was buried in the Nadimarg Massacre in Jammu and Kashmir more than 15 years ago.

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Tea Gardens of North Bengal: A Hotbed of Human Trafficking

/ July 30, 2018

Tea gardens that once brewed the world-famous Darjeeling tea have now become a hotbed for trafficking, owing to the undermining of labour rights and rising deprivation.

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Flood-affected Farmers in West Champaran Get Compensation

/ July 27, 2018

Floods are a common occurrence in West Champaran, Bihar, but the response mechanism is slow. Here’s how an agrarian community held the government to task.

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A Dowry-Free Community in a Country of Dowry Deaths

/ July 25, 2018

The Baiga community, like many Adivasi communities, does not follow the patriarchal dowry system, setting an example in a country where women are killed for dowry every day.

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The Ordeal of Getting a Disability Certificate in Rural India

/ July 20, 2018

55 percent of persons with disabilities in Bihar do not have disability certificates, and the reasons range from tedious processes to stigma and apathy.

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Fined, Threatened, Intimidated for Claiming their Rights

/ July 23, 2018

18 families in a Madhya Pradesh village are struggling to formalise the ownership of the land on which they live and cultivate, under the Forest Rights Act.

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While Mining Giants Rejoice, Adivasis are Left with No Water

/ July 18, 2018

As the Odisha Mining Corporation diverts water resources for its iron ore mines, local communities face a drought-like situation.

A Contentious Triple Talaq Bill

/ July 16, 2018

The triple talaq bill, waiting for the Rajya Sabha's approval, has left people debating about whether it will actually protect Muslim women's rights.