
IMPACT | Now COVID-19 Patients Receive Free Meals As Per Rajasthan Govt. Guidelines

/ May 24, 2021

Hospitals In Karauli were violating government guidelines until VV's Sunita Kasera intervened.

It Takes More Than A Week To Get RTPCR Test Results In This Jharkhand Town

/ May 24, 2021

Are the health officials waiting for deaths to climb and then wake up?

Community Survey

Amid COVID-19 Second Wave, How are India’s Rural Areas Faring?

/ May 24, 2021

We may never truly know the extent of deaths and infections in rural India, where 70 percent of our people live.

West Bengal Man Risks His Own Life to Raise Awareness About COVID-19

/ May 14, 2021

Using his own money he stitched a unique costume to attract people's attention and spread awareness.

Maharashtra’s ‘Mini-Lockdown’ Has Daily Wage Labourers Living On The Edge of Survival | COVID 19

/ May 14, 2021

Many have decided to stay back in Maharashtra while others are migrating back to their home towns.

Anganwadi Worker Dies After Second Dose of COVID Vaccine, Family Alleges Was Forced To Take...

/ May 14, 2021

Nobody from the district administration or health department visited her despite reporting that she is unwell after the vaccination.

No Cards

Jharkhand Health Centre Constructed A Decade Ago But Never Got Operational

/ April 15, 2021

Despite having a health centre, people have to travel 15 kms away for any emergency.