
Maharashtra’s ‘Mini-Lockdown’ Has Daily Wage Labourers Living On The Edge of Survival | COVID 19

/ May 14, 2021

Many have decided to stay back in Maharashtra while others are migrating back to their home towns.

Anganwadi Worker Dies After Second Dose of COVID Vaccine, Family Alleges Was Forced To Take...

/ May 14, 2021

Nobody from the district administration or health department visited her despite reporting that she is unwell after the vaccination.

IMPACT | A Three Year Long Wait For Electricity to Irrigate Fields

/ March 26, 2021

How would farmers grow crops if there is no electricity for irrigation?

Rebuffed by Panchayat, Village Boys Collect 1 Lakh ($1400) to Make Their Own Cricket Ground

/ January 8, 2021

Youngsters of Rajasthan showed the way towards solving your problems with your own community's help.

Rains and Pests Eat Away Into Maharastra Farmers Earnings

/ December 10, 2020

Farmers in India are one of the most disadvantaged lot with very less earnings and many challenges to deal with.

Impact Story

VV Correspondent Intervenes To Get Water Storage For Rajasthan Community

/ December 4, 2020

What use is a water connection if you can't store the water and make it available for later use?

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Mumbai’s Municipal Body Destroys 60 Shanties Without Notice!

/ November 18, 2020

The richest municipal body of Asia doesn't care about its poor residents and makes them homeless overnight.