
No Right to Health

/ July 7, 2014

Article 21 of Indian Constitutionstates:Protection Of Life And Personal Liberty: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.This has come to include the Right to Health as a fundamental right and thus the Government has a responsibility to fulfill it. ...

I’ll set up your electricity connection, but won’t provide you with electricity

/ July 2, 2014

In accordance with the Rajeev Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme, Below Poverty Line (BPL) families should receive free electricity from the Government.  However residents of Singhjhor village, though connected to the electricity supply are not receiving electricity.    Call to Action:  Residents need you support to put pressure on the Site...

Outrage! Government farm which doesn’t pay its employees

/ July 2, 2014

“As a daily wage labourer she has to be paid her wages by the end of every week.”But due to the negligence of the farm workers Boiti Pradhan has not been receiving her wages for the last three months.  The most shocking thing is that she works for a Government...

No bridge, so? Just carry the pregnant woman over river

/ July 1, 2014

Sambari Munda, a resident of Turikhol hamlet explains, “We are facing a lot of problems because there is no bridge…We find it difficult even going to the hospital.  During my delivery time, the Janani Express (ambulance) came once.  But the driver refused to cross the naala.  He said I had...

Drowning to cross the river

/ July 1, 2014

Villagers living near the Bokaro River are drowning trying to cross the bridgeless river.  When monsoon comes the river becomes ferocious preventing school children from getting to school.  The authorities don’t seem to care.    Raja Soren, a resident of Kasiadih village, paints a vivid image, “In 2003, Chotka Besra...

420 students 2 teachers

/ July 1, 2014

420 students 2 teachers.  Only Maths and English taught 2 hours a day.  Students do the jobs of teachers and have to teach themselves at home.  This is the reality for Kanku Bai National High School students.   Call to Action:  You can help change this.  Call the number below...

No facilities to learn

/ June 30, 2014

The Right to Education Act 2010 ensures that schools provide basic facilities relating to education such as an adequate number of teachers, midday meals, drinking water and toilets.  Not too much to ask right?  Wrong.  Welcome to overpopulated, corrupt India.  This is a scenario repeatedly reported by our VV-Correspondents.  However,...

Hybrid Seeds Fail

/ June 27, 2014

Hybrid seeds in the local village of Galakhajuri have caused more misery then happiness.  Farmers were led to believe that due to scientific technology the hybrid seeds would produce higher yields of superior quality.  However, to their disappointment the hybrid variety completely failed to provide produce.    VV-Correspondent Argen Karketa...