
Adequate Anganwadi ?

/ May 29, 2014

Started by the Indian government in 1975 as part of the Integrated Child Development Services program, the Anganwadi is an all-encompassing health care centre for settlements.  Its goals are vital and comprehensive: to combat child nutrition and hunger, to provide basic health care, and to offer pre-school education.The main beneficiaries...

Anger at Anganwadi

/ May 29, 2014

In 1975 the Indian government decided as part of the Integrated Child Development Services program to introduce the Anganwadi scheme. The aim was to combat child hunger and malnutrition by providing basic health care in Indian villages.  The following were encompassed in the scheme: contraceptive counseling and supply, nutrition education and supplementation,...

Old Problem: Old Age Pension

/ May 16, 2014

The Indian Government’s National Pension System is an on going saga of another ineffective government policy. One example is Pramila Devi in Ahimachak village, Katihar district, Bihar who is not receiving her right to old age pension.   VV PACS Community Correspondent Navita Devi interviews the 70 year old pensioner...

Why Does Development Always Displace?

/ May 12, 2014

People from three villages in West Champaran Bihar, are protesting as their homes get taken away for the construction of a massive road along the Indo-Nepal border. The 65 families who stand to be displaced have not been given official notices for eviction. They also do not know where they...

A Decade of Negligence

/ May 12, 2014

Don't be fooled by the smile on their faces, they have learnt to deal with government negligence the hard way. CC Halima Ejaz's first ever video brings to light, the plight of over 120 families still trying to access basic amenities and benefits from government schemes in Jharkhand, even after...

Towards Equality for Girls

/ May 5, 2014

There is a great outrage in the country to curb acts of violence against women. But violence is not the only problem girls and women face in the country; at every stage in their lives, hurdles appear in the form of discrimination both subtle and obvious. For many it starts...

Pachyderms cause Panic in Rural Raigarh

/ April 25, 2014

The people of Eastern Chhattisgarh are caught in up a chaos they have no wish to be a part of. Their homes & fields are regularly damaged by marauding elephants. In this video, Community Correspondent Savita Rath attempts to get to the bottom of this brouhaha. Hailing from the mineral...

Coal Mining Fuels the Human-Elephant Conflict in Jharkhand

/ April 23, 2014

Community Correspondent Mohan Bhuiyan reports from Jitratongri village in Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand, where a herd of elephants destroyed fourteen houses and resulted in the death of one individual in September 2013. For about two weeks the herd camped in the nearby forests and repeatedly came into human habitats in search...