
Law of the land

/ January 7, 2015

In another incident of illegal acquisition of land, Ramkrishna Forging Company snatched away the agrarian land that belonged to the tribals. This, when there are already 1600 factories in the Adityapur Industrial Belt nearby. In this report, Community Correspondent Sujeeta Tudu talks to the locals, whose land was taken away....

Stop Forceful Land Acquisition in Belahari, Odisha

/ January 5, 2015

A villager recounts that those displaced earlier for the same project are living as domestic helps. Happy with farming, Belahari villagers from Kalinga Nagar do not want to give their land to TATA Company. CALL TO ACTION : Call District Collector, Anil Kumar Samal at +916728222330 and demand that he...

A tribal festival in Jharkhand

/ January 2, 2015

Eind is a popular festival of the Munda tribal community in Jharkhand. Community Correspondent Warles Surin shows the celebrations and tells the history of the festival.

Land Taken on Name of Development but no Compensation, Mandu Block, Ramgarh, Jharkhand

/ December 31, 2014

The Central Government’s recommendations to make significant changes in the Land Acquisition Act 2013, most significantly the removal of the consent clause have left civil society and human rights activists shocked. The changes have been justified by those in power as a means to make the process of acquisition much...

Few teachers and no toilets in middle school

/ December 29, 2014

“We want to be taught properly in our class and we want there to be discipline in our school,” says Meena, a student of the only middle school in all of Gaunaha Block, Bihar. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Tanju Devi reports on the woeful infrastructure of this school that serves the...

SUCCESS: In Kashmir, a medical centre is functioning again

/ December 25, 2014

An allopathic dispensary in rural Kashmir remained closed most of the time and no doctors were assigned to it. Community Correspondent Peer Azhar reported on the issue and with the help of his community brought change. Now the dispensary stays open for six-days-a-week and paramedical staff visits regularly. While the...

Documenting the Aftershocks: Village in Kashmir cries for compensation

/ December 24, 2014

Floods that hit Kashmir earlier this year, destroyed the crops of Krechapathri village in Shopian district. Community Correspondent Musheer ul Haq Manhaas reports on the damage caused by water and the troubling conditions faced by locals. The Assembly Elections that will conclude on Friday have delayed the rehabilitation drive following...

Kashmir Flood Survivors still wait for compensation

/ December 24, 2014

As the Assembly Elections come to a close in Jammu & Kashmir, those affected by September’s floods continue to wait on relief and compensation. Will the newly formed government be able to take on this mammoth task? This report from Lelhaar in Pulwama evidences the damage done to the lives...