
Tribute To The Ascetic

/ March 28, 2014

In an age where conflict and war seem to be the most obvious of solutions to most problems, hundreds of villagers from Redhakol Block, in Odisha’s Sambalpur district are leading the way to celebrate peace & unity. Here is a video by Mamata Patra documenting the culture of celebrating.  ...

An Old Tradition, A New Use

/ March 28, 2014

Nuakhai is an agricultural festival which is celebrated by many and is observed to welcome the new rice harvest of the season. It is mainly observed by people of Western Odisha in India and celebrated by offering the ‘nua’ to the deities. The word nua means new and khai means...

Community Demands Medical Facilities in Odisha

/ March 27, 2014

One look at the sub-health centre of Bada Hindola village and one would know that it has been engulfed by nature. While a beautiful sight in spring, when plants blossom on the roof and the environment almost transcends into magic, the people from 5 villages who depend on this sub-health...

URGENT: Midwife wanted !

/ March 27, 2014

Community Correspondent Ramjag Gaud reports from Dhoudai village council in Narayanpur District, Chhattisgarh, an area that is almost always in the news for the ongoing Naxal insurgency. His video reports are telling evidence of the toll paid by residents of the area caught in the crossfire of guns and ideologies....

Treated like garbage: Lesser known consequences of mining

/ March 24, 2014

The East Parej open coal mine in Ramgarh district, Jharkhand has left the landscape scarred and ravaged after nearly a decade of mining activities. The communities displaced by the mines and those on the borders of it, live out their days in a cloud of soot. Community Correspondent Basanti Soren’s...

Elusive Amenities

/ March 20, 2014

“We have to travel 5 km on this road to get to the hospital, that too carrying the cycle on our shoulders because it cannot be used on this road. My child has severe fever and we have already traveled 5km like this. It just gets worse and worse day...

Sanitation down the drain

/ March 24, 2014

Barely 2 kms from raipur road in Pharasgaon district of Chattisgarh is Zhullnadi village. Although it comes under the Pharasgaon municipality, it still is nothing more than a forgotten village. Pharasgaon became a municipality in 2006 which also meant it became biggger and the central point of administration. Still, the...

Road to Bhubaneshwar

/ March 19, 2014

Close to the capital of Odisha is ward ward no.1 of Shikharchandi which is administered by the Bhubhaneshwar Municipality Corporation. The road which connects the whole community to the rest of the state, primarily Bhubhanshwar, the capital of the state, is in a bad condition. The community is facing problems...