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A People’s Movement for Equitable Distribution of Water

/ January 29, 2019

Over the years, PHS has evolved into a people’s movement that has created widespread awareness on privatisation of water supply and raised it with concerned authorities.

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A ‘Medicine-Free’ Way of Life

/ December 5, 2018

In response to the increasing dependency on medication and growing burden of lifestyle diseases, ‘medicine-free life’ empowers people to take charge of their health.

The Cruel Reality of Resettlement and Rehabilitation in India

/ November 23, 2018

In the wake of heavy rainfall 2005, this village in Maharashtra was washed away; its 2000 odd residents wait for rehabilitation to this day.

Sardar Sarovar Dam: A Spectre of Displacement and Human Rights Violation

/ November 8, 2018

Fourteen persons from two villages in Maharashtra rehabilitated; over a 100 families in the state are still waiting.

Inside the Staff Quarters of a Nagpur District Hospital: Defunct Toilets, Filth and Stench

/ October 29, 2018

The sanitation workers of the TB centre at the Government Medical College and Hospital in Nagpur have no option but to live in unsanitary conditions.

VV Impact: Mentally-challenged Rape Survivor Receives Compensation

/ April 27, 2016

A rape survivor, an intellectually-challenged tribal woman from the hinterlands of Maharashtra has received justice thanks to the initiative of Video Volunteers’ Maharashtra correspondent Krupakar Chahande. The survivor recieved a compensation of Rs. 2 lakh under the ‘Manodhairya Yojana’, from the state’s Department of Women and Child Development (WCD). Because...

700-year-old traditional Holi of Adivasis of Maharasthra

/ March 31, 2016

The peace and tranquility of the villages on the foothills Satpura hill ranges in Maharashtra had taken a back seat for the past 15 days, as the atmosphere was charged with singing and dancing. Members of the Bhil tribe of the Satpura Hill regions from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh...

Clean water supply made possible in a Mumbai slum | IMPACT

/ November 13, 2015

‘People spit and dogs urinate in these water lines, and we have no option but to fill water from these lines. This water is not even suitable for animals and yet we are forced to drink this water’.For nearly 15 years, this was the condition of residents of the Rahul...