
When a Small Organization Works in a New Country

/ December 14, 2009

– Jessica Mayberry For Video Volunteers, starting a project in a new country (Brazil, where we have just started a program focused on video as a way for young people from favelas to earn a living) has been a really interesting but also challenging process. When I started VV in...

Mobile Phones and Community Empowerment

/ October 9, 2009

Image from Alamy via the Economist. Both the NY Times and the Economist reported last month that mobile phones are aiding development in fascinating new ways. Just to name a few: The Grameen Foundation‘s phone app helps rural Ugandan farmers track crop diseases before they spread, sending digital photos and...

BBC Report on Citizen Journalism

/ October 1, 2009

Democracy or chaos? The BBC’s two-part radio series on citizen journalism asks if our new era of citizen reporting will deliver us a brighter future, or replace un-biased, fact-checked investigative reporting with inaccurate, unaccountable opinion. The reporter talks to bloggers and academics in the world’s most repressive countries, including Myanmar,...

The Coscars: VV’s First Community Video Award Ceremony

/ September 6, 2009

It’s 6:32 pm. The people are just gathering in. There’s an excitement in the air in anticipation of the first community video oscars or “Coscars”. Stalin and Jessica are up on stage – they seem as excited to be able to give the awards as the producers are about getting...

CV Camp Update : India Producers Skype with Brazil Producers

/ August 31, 2009

One night at the Camp, the Community Producers from India had a skype videoconference with VVs’ Producers from Brazil. Alexandra Pinschmidt, a Masters Candidate in International Development from Drake University and VV Intern, writes about this unique exchange between Community Producers living tens of thousands of miles apart. One of...

CV camp update : Interview with Stalin about the creative camera workshop

/ August 31, 2009

Dalia, a Croatian student studying at Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication in Pune, was one of the 8 volunteers who got a scholarship to attend the camp in exchange for volunteering. She blogs about her experiences and her interview with our director Stalin K. All I can say is...

Video Volunteers Celebrates Successful Community Video Camp

/ August 28, 2009

“You mean to say that sending the email is free?! I don’t have to pay for it?” Laxmi was amazed that there is no equivalent on the Internet to paying for a postage stamp to send a letter. The first twenty minutes of this workshop on digi-activism being held in...

MTV Iggy and Community Video Coming Together

/ April 17, 2009

Video Volunteers has partnered with MTV Iggy to produce videos in Kashmir about life in the refugee camps of Jammu. Here’s a link to one of the videos, about a boy who watched his entire family be slaughtered: MTV iggy is a new channel/show of MTV that is focused on...