
Rehabilitated and Inundated: A Narmada Resettlement Colony Fights Back

/ September 22, 2017

First displaced by the flooding caused by the Sardar Sarovar Dam, these Narmada oustees are still living in fear of submergence.

Impact Story

Informal Waste-Pickers Finally Get Identity Cards

/ September 18, 2017

For three years, a group of women went around Nashik collecting waste from garbage dumps; their work is finally being recognised, thanks to a video.

The Unsung Heroes of the 2017 Mumbai Flood

/ September 15, 2017

Thousands of migrant workers are employed by the BMC for the pre-monsoon cleanup every year. But they are made to work illegally in inhuman conditions.

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No Water for Bengal Tea Garden Despite Repeated Petitions

/ September 13, 2017

Some of the richest tea gardens in the country cannot even assure clean drinking water to their employees, the local government is doing nothing either.

No Cards

Khatamband: The Art of Intricately Carved Ceilings in Kashmir

/ September 11, 2017

Once in decline, this ancient art form, adapted centuries ago from Persia is seeing a revival in the valley.

Impact Story

Rural Electrification: Village Sees Light of Day After a Year

/ September 8, 2017

Government’s promise of rural electrification went unfulfilled till Shambhu’s video roused authorities from their slumber.

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When Five Hospitals Failed to Save a Pregnant Woman

/ September 6, 2017

Rajasthan government is celebrating an 84% increase in institutional delivery. But even after spending Rs 42,500, Pushpabai succumbed to maternal mortality.

Too Beautiful to Pray?

/ September 4, 2017

Patriarchy supplies a slew of bizarre rationales for keeping women away from places of worship.