
Impact Story

Village gets Ambulance Service Thanks to a Video, a Determined Community and a Willing State

/ July 24, 2017

Many risked their lives due to the lack of an affordable ambulance service in a village in West Bengal, but things turned around when Bikash Barman made a video.

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Despite Burgeoning Malnourishment in Children, Anganwadis Lack Basic Infrastructure

/ July 21, 2017

The number of malnourished children under age five in Chhatisgarh has been growing over the last ten years.

Police Apathy and Stigma: Why Human Trafficking in India Continues Unabated

/ July 19, 2017

Everyday over 400 women and children go missing in India. Most of them remain untraced.

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12% GST on Menstrual Hygiene Products: Rural Women Speak Out

/ July 14, 2017

Caught between the expense of sanitary napkins and the stigma of menstrual blood, rural women are left without viable, unhygienic options and those suffering from reproductive tract infection are often led to believe that hysterectomy is their only option.

‘Make Men Wear Veils and They will Understand our Difficulties’

/ July 12, 2017

In rural Uttar Pradesh, one woman challenges men to cover their faces and then successfully execute their work.

Keeping Indigenous Culture Alive, One Song at a Time

/ July 11, 2017

The Gauda community of Goa struggles to keep its indigenous culture from eroding in the face of imposed cultural practices and looks at traditional music as the first point of revival.

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Dam and Development Drown Livelihoods of Indigenous People in Chhattisgarh

/ July 7, 2017

The people living on the banks of the Kelo Dam are risking their lives to go to school and find work. Imagine sending your child to school wading and swimming through several feet of water. This is the reality across the villages on banks of the Kelo river in Chhatisgarh....

Questioning Gender Roles: Boys do the Bhangra and Girls Shake their Booty

/ July 6, 2017

Pink versus blue, pretty versus brave: the childhood landscape is mined with pernicious gender stereotypes that dictate how we behave as adults.