
Article 17: Discriminating among children

/ July 31, 2014

Untouchability has been practiced in India for many centuries.  Even though it is a punishable offense under Article 17 of the Constitution of India it continues. One of the ways, it is practiced is during school meal times, where Dalit (scheduled caste) children are made to sit separate from the...

A nurturing environment

/ July 30, 2014

“Because there is no boundary wall, goats & cows eat our flowers and plants”. – Lija Rani, Class 4 The headmaster Parsuram Mishra and students of the Amaghat primary school, Tileibani block in Deogarh want to make the school environment beautiful but are unable to do so. Every year the...

No Basic Facilities for Malapada School

/ July 29, 2014

The Right to Education Act, 2009 guarantees free and compulsory education for all children from 6-14 years.  There is a list of basic infrastructure facilities to be provided for each and every school.  However, students of Malapada Upper Primary School are not getting the facilities they are entitled to.   ...

Goats ate their lunch!

/ July 29, 2014

The Right to Education Act (RTE) declares that every school must have one teacher per 30 students.  A playground,clean drinking water and sanitation facilities must also be provided.  This is not the case for the school children of Radol village.  They need you phone call to change this today!  ...

Wanted: An Anganwadi for our children!

/ July 25, 2014

For many in India, government schemes come after a long wait and a hard fight. The 42 children in remote Parivachhapar village in Chhattisgarh have learnt this lesson early in life. They have no access to a government run child-care or anganwadi centre which is supposed to provide them with...

A New Generation Scarred by Untouchability

/ July 24, 2014

What does one say about a cultural practice that it forces young children to sit apart at a school lunch? At the Primary school in Limli village Gujarat Untouchability is scarring a new generation. It is illegal to indulge in any practices of untouchability and you can help stop one...

Elusive Schemes

/ July 23, 2014

For many of India’s most marginalised communities, Government schemes that are meant to provide economic support are elusive dreams. They know schemes exist, they find no way of accessing them. In Bajrangbali Nagar, Munger District Bihar this is what 150 people faced. Community Correspondent Sheela Sheikh reports from the village....

Installments Stalled

/ July 23, 2014

After getting land tenure under the Forest Rights Act 2006, families in Munjal needed to build their homes. They were promised money under the Indira Awas Yojana to do this but never got the entire amount. They fear their voices will get lost in a bureaucratic maze and want your...