
Impact: Video Gets Compensation to Victims of Human-Animal Conflict

/ April 24, 2014

India’s 28,000 wild elephants are cramped up in around 3% of its geographical area. A bare handful of areas have been declared protected areas known as elephant corridors. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Tanju Devi lives in Dumari, a small hamlet flanked by the forests in West Champaran, Bihar. This community has...

Jharkhand’s Adivasi experts on Rainwater Harvesting

/ February 8, 2017

In the hills of Jharkhand reside the ancient tribe called the Sauria Paharias (hill dwellers). This Scheduled Tribe, considered as one of the oldest dwellers of the Santhal Pragana division – a largely tribal-dominated area of the state. They largely keep away from mainstream population and depend on agriculture, which...

Jharkhand’s Adivasi experts on Rainwater Harvesting

/ February 8, 2017

In the hills of Jharkhand reside the ancient tribe called the Sauria Paharias (hill dwellers). This Scheduled Tribe, considered as one of the oldest dwellers of the Santhal Pargana division – a largely tribal-dominated area of the state. They largely keep away from mainstream population and depend on agriculture, which...

Mindless deforestation in name of development

/ January 4, 2017

Thousands of trees all over Jharkhand, many of them century-old, have been cut for road widening and infrastructure development projects of the State’s administration. Many more trees face the same fate. The citizens, including some organisations, have objected on the mindless destruction of trees, to pave way for roads in...

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Industrial Pollution goes unchecked in Chhattisgarh

/ December 13, 2016

The once green fields have turned black with fly ash, water has turned toxic in the community lake and farmers are forced to become labourers. Industrialisation is changing this village.  When the news of industrial development had reached this village of Chhattisgarh, the residents were hopeful that they will reap...

The fight to save Nature from Mining, by the indigenous of Odisha

/ November 21, 2016

The indigenous of Odisha have been on the forefront to defend the abundant nature against the ravages of mining in the state since a decade. From the tribals at the foothills of Niyamgiri hills to the village residents in the plains of Bolangir near the lower Suktel dam, have been...

Odisha reveals how Mahua flowers and seeds are a Wonder Oil

/ November 1, 2016

25 Adivasi (tribal) families live in a hamlet called Bhalukhola village, in the Sambalpur district of Odisha. It is surrounded by hills and trees in abundance. The natural resources are plentiful. Our community correspondent, Mamta, reports for Indiaunheard. The women of this village have mastered an age-old art of taking...

From a Drought-ridden Region to a Green Oasis

/ October 12, 2016

The single-minded efforts of Chain Singh, a physically challenged man from Delwara, Rajasthan, helped in shaping the landscape from a dust-ridden environment of acute droughts and severely rationed drinking water to greenery and shady trees where the people of his region take pride in participating in his endeavours.  Chain Singh first...