
Atrocities Against Dalits Continue but Perpetrators Often Go Scot Free

/ October 23, 2018

Amidst debates on the dilution of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, a family in Odisha struggles to bring their ‘upper’ caste perpetrator to task.

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Meet the Woman Who Changed Her Name at 45

/ September 28, 2018

Hundreds of girls in India are given names indicating they’re unwanted. A woman in Haryana broke this spell and took on a new name.

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Why must only Brutal Incidents of Violence Spark Outrage Against Rape Culture?

/ September 19, 2018

The recent gang rape of a 19-year old in Haryana is a reminder that rapes do not happen in a vacuum, they are a result of patriarchy and the rape culture it has built.

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Rape by Any Other Name Would Still be Rape

/ August 22, 2018

52 countries have criminalised marital rape. But in India, lawmakers supposedly fear destabilising the institution of marriage. It’s not fear, it’s misogyny.

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Not ‘Honour’ Killings, but Murders to Exert Power

/ August 14, 2018

‘Honour’ killings aren’t about honour at all - they are murders carried out by the apparently powerful to maintain status quo of caste, power, and property.

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First Sexually Violated, then Harassed by Law Keepers

/ August 6, 2018

Rape survivors are often further violated by upholders of the law, who are either unaware of amendments in law or not sensitive enough to support survivors.

A Contentious Triple Talaq Bill

/ July 16, 2018

The triple talaq bill, waiting for the Rajya Sabha's approval, has left people debating about whether it will actually protect Muslim women's rights.

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Women Drive Change in West Bengal, Literally

/ June 8, 2018

Taking the stereotype that women cannot drive and turning it on its head, meet this group of 78 women autorickshaws who will not be stopped.