
Stranded: Widows in UP

/ November 17, 2014

The widows of Dhamaruwa village of Uttar Pradesh are a truly disenfranchised community. The government’s failing to provide the widow-pension has weighed most heavily upon these women, reports Community Correspondent Gayatri Devi. “My husband passed away two years ago, but I haven’t received any widow-pension,” says Shilawanti Devi. Adding further,...

637 Student and No toilets

/ November 12, 2014

Community correspondent Mister Alam reports from Ganpati Vigha village in Hilsa block of Nalanda district of Bihar, on the lack of sanitation facilities in the village’s middle school. CALL TO ACTION: Call the Block Education Officer for Hilsa Block of Nalanda district, on +91-9939712741, and demand that construction of toilets...

Brutalities in Bihar: Raped, Murdered and Disposed Off

/ September 9, 2014

Ever since the horrific incident of December 16 in the capital city, there has been a surge in reporting cases of gender violence. This surge, however, hasn’t done much to stop the acts of inhumane brutalities. In Begusarai district of Bihar, earlier this year in April, an 11-year-old girl was...

Paying the price for my husband’s violence

/ July 11, 2014

“I was punched in the face and beaten up…I was beaten on my back with an iron rod,” Mirabai recounts her husband’s violent acts toward her.  The police did nothing to protect her.  The same night her drunken husband murdered the neighbour.  Only then did the police act.  Had they...

Raise your voice. Stop Rape Now.

/ March 7, 2014

There’s a battle outside And it is ragin’ It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’. ‘Rape’ has become a much-debated word in the equality rights lexicon today. Television talk shows, people’s movements, art, music, films, candle-lit vigils, society and the social media are abound...

Women Vow to Rid their Village of Alcohol

/ February 27, 2014

The women of Motarga Village in Maharashtra have been fighting a battle against the alcohol traders in their village. Community Correspondent Shanti Yevtikar reports their story. Alcohol had been draining the pockets of their families for years. Worse, the consumption often resulted in the women being abuse, ill-health and for...

A widow’s struggle for pension

/ February 24, 2014

Rekha Devi, a resident of Paravpur Village in Uttar Pradesh has not received any pension fund since her husband died. She has 3 daughters and 2 sons to feed, with no source of income. To add to her troubles, she doesn’t have any ration card either. Community correspondent Anjana Yadev...

Surviving Domestic Violence

/ February 14, 2014

“The first year of my marriage was happy… For the next eight years, grave acts of violence were committed against me by my husband and in laws”, says Shivba Manohar who has, with her two children, left that hellish nightmare behind. Community Correspondent Shanti Yevtikar brings you her story from...