
Dharavi Art Room provides a Safe Haven for Children in Asia’s Largest Slum

/ April 10, 2017

Living in one of the most densely populated spaces on earth takes its toll on children. Dharavi Art Room is a sanctuary where children paint, play instruments and learn about themselves, outside standard curricula.

VV Impact: Mentally-challenged Rape Survivor Receives Compensation

/ April 27, 2016

A rape survivor, an intellectually-challenged tribal woman from the hinterlands of Maharashtra has received justice thanks to the initiative of Video Volunteers’ Maharashtra correspondent Krupakar Chahande. The survivor recieved a compensation of Rs. 2 lakh under the ‘Manodhairya Yojana’, from the state’s Department of Women and Child Development (WCD). Because...

700-year-old traditional Holi of Adivasis of Maharasthra

/ March 31, 2016

The peace and tranquility of the villages on the foothills Satpura hill ranges in Maharashtra had taken a back seat for the past 15 days, as the atmosphere was charged with singing and dancing. Members of the Bhil tribe of the Satpura Hill regions from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh...

IMPACT | Handpump repaired in Tati village, Jharkhand

/ January 7, 2016

In April 2015, I made a video on the issue of access to water in Kamdara block’s Tati village which comes under Rampur panchayat. The hand pump had been broken for 6 months. All the sources of water accessible to the community were dirty or not working at all. I...

Seeds of Life: A Quiet Revolution is Underway at the Foothills of Niyamgiri

/ April 7, 2017

With help of local organisations, the Panga Kodhs have gone back to traditional, organic, mixed farming methods. Even the forests are benefitting.

Impact Story

This Woman Challenged Sexism at Her Own Daughter’s Wedding

/ April 5, 2017

Widows face a lot of discrimination in India, while widowers are free to do as they please. Watch as a community comes together to break this oppressive tradition.

Persons with Autism in India Find Hope in Dehradun

/ April 12, 2017

Arunima, a Dehradun -based model day care centre finds innovative, intuitive approaches for people who suffer from Autism in India

ARTICLE 17: Our First Call to the National Commission of Scheduled Castes

/ March 7, 2017

ARTICLE 17 is a campaign launched by Video Volunteers on April 14th, 2012, to urge the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, to prosecute cases of untouchability.