
“If we don’t tie her, she runs away.”

/ June 26, 2014

Father, “If we don’t tie her, she runs away.”This is the sad reality of Parvati Oriya, the disabled girl who is tied up to a post at home day in day out.  The Government of India has failed yet again to provide her with disability benefits or support.   Call...

A whole family may die if the roof collapses

/ June 25, 2014

“Because if kids sleep inside, they may get crushed and die if the roof collapses.  Last time when it rained, a roof collapsed injuring a person on the head.”  This is the current situation in Chatrutand village where 250 residents are living in dilapidated housing.  The Indira Awaas Scheme is...

Social exclusion stands in the way of Indira Awaas Scheme

/ June 25, 2014

Imagine living in a plastic shed because the government scheme you are eligible for is not being given to you.  This is the reality for Gabriel Bodra and his family.  The Indira Awaas (Housing) Scheme is a 1985 Indian government initiated social welfare programme created to provide housing for the...

Build me a proper toilet

/ June 24, 2014

Dilip Gameti, explains the appalling work done by government sanitation workers in Godwa village, “These toilets were built using only 200-300 bricks, and the plaster was not applied to them properly.”  Even though their intentions were good, due to corruption the sanitation initiative in this village has failed.  Complaining to...

Stop Corrupt Practices of Anganwadi Incharge

/ June 23, 2014

Imagine a corrupt Anganwadi(health care centre) in-charge who bribes her way to receiving funds from the government without having entered the centre for 3 years!  Residents of Panchlewa village have tried to complain to the Child Development Project Officer (CDOP) about this but no action has been taken.  Chanda Devi...

No Water, What a Shame!

/ June 20, 2014

The Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme aims to provide clean and safe drinking water to each and every family in rural areas.  However, due to corruption and malpractice reality is far from this.  Residents of Gadagada Bahal Panchayat have been waiting for over 2 years for water.  Added to this the Minister of...

Road flooded by Neglect

/ June 20, 2014

The road in Karando village is in disrepair.  When it rains it is treacherous to cross due to the potholes.  There are no bridges constructed to help residents cross the many rivers.  Dasiya Devi a resident explains, “When the rivers and streams are full, no doctors come to this village. ...

No pension, No ration, No one listening.

/ June 20, 2014

Old Age Pension is for people who are over 60 years old and have Below Povery Line (BPL) cards.  They are given 400 rupees every month.  But beneficiaries from Chilga panchayat are not getting this.  For those individuals who are not under the Old Age Pension Plan and cannot take...