
Fired for Having Three Children

/ April 18, 2014

Anganwadi workers across India are perhaps one of the most underpaid and overworked group of women. They form the backbone of the Integrated Childcare Development Scheme that seeks to provide health care to pregnant women, nursing mothers and their infants as well as pre-school education to children between 3 and...

Green Gold Yields No Profit for Kendu Farmers

/ April 21, 2014

Come April the forests of Odisha are buzzing with activity; it is the time of the year when the Tendu or Kendu leaves, India’s most lucrative forest produce, are ready to be plucked. This year however, the mood in Karadapal village is sombre as leaf pickers are still straddled with...

Anganwadi Operating from the Porch

/ April 17, 2014

There is an anganwadi (child care centre) In ward number 43 of Bhubhaneshwar Block, Odisha that runs on the porch of the local primary school. What started as a makeshift arrangement has turned into a long drawn out process and has left the anganwadi worker as well as parents annoyed...

Dreaming for her Children

/ April 16, 2014

Given the mammoth scale at which any government scheme operates in India, the final output really stands on the shoulders of a few people who work on the ground among the potential beneficiaries. These women and men are the ones who sweat it out, work long hours and help people...

“Why Are we Untouchable?”| Article 17

/ April 14, 2014

Untouchability, a practice defined a few centuries ago, continues to define the lives of ‘Dalits’ across India. They find themselves confined to a corner of their village unable to participate in anything. About the Partnership: The Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) Programme and Video Volunteers have come together to create...

Horrors Unfold as Doctors Remain Absent

/ April 11, 2014

In Padariya village of Raisen Block, Madhya Pradesh, there is a Health Centre was built for a population of 700 people. The community celebrated the inauguration that took place on 20th of September in 2012. Two years later, this same community is now beyond frustration; on almost every occasion they...

MGNREGA Aiding Migration

/ April 11, 2014

As per provisions of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, each registered worker is ensured a minimum 100 days of work in a year and full payment of their wages at the end of the work. The projects include anything from laying a road to digging a well....

W3: We Want Work

/ April 8, 2014

Senka Bahal, a resident of Jhirpani village in Odisha has not received his dues from the last job he did under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). His job card came in 6 years ago but it was only last year that he got his first job...