
Bastar Tribals Celebrate Johar Bhetni Festival

/ November 16, 2021

Johar Bhetni marks the coming together of many tribes and communities of the Bastar region in Chhattisgarh.

Mineowners in Chhattisgarh Hold Public Hearing Despite Public Curfew | COVID-19

/ July 30, 2021

Blatant violation of lockdown during the second wave of COVID-19 was reported in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh

Chapora Village In Chhattisgarh Goes Into a Self Imposed Lockdown | COVID-19

/ June 1, 2021

A village in Chhattisgarh restricts movement in view of rising COVID-19 cases.

Jharkhand Contractor Commits Sexual Violence Against Pregnant Woman | COVID-19

/ December 14, 2020

Women have been subjected to unimaginable suffering during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Chhattisgarh Village Uses Loudspeakers To Continue School During Pandemic | COVID-19

/ November 26, 2020

Ever heard of using loudspeakers to teach an entire village's kids?

Our Land, Our Coal!: Protesters Use Gandhi As Inspiration For Coal Satyagraha

/ November 25, 2020

It is estimated that the area of Pelma, Chhattisgarh holds about 40 million tonnes of coal that the corporates are eyeing.

Community Survey

Chhattisgarh Tribals Denied Land Lease Citing Lack of Papers

/ September 16, 2020

A new law by the Chhattisgarh government threatens to rob more than 60 tribal families of the right to their land.

Community Survey

Chhattisgarh Villagers Protest Against Hundreds Lining Up to Buy Liquor

/ August 19, 2020

Chhattisgarh women protest against a liquor shop where hundreds of men line up everyday to buy liquor.