No social life for a low caste Harijan

A low caste Harijan belonging to the cobbler caste is being looked down upon as low and undignified by the rest of the residents in the village. No invitations for social events like birthdays, weddings or funerals are extended to him. The barber refuses to cut his hair or give him a shave in fear of getting polluted by is touch. He only serves the upper caste people and is scared of getting polluted by the Harijan’s death.
Article 17 of the Indian Constitution; make the practice of untouchability a punishable offence. But instances like this is an everyday occurrence in many of the Indian villages. This video is part of a series meant to urge the National Commission for Schedule Castes, which is the government body that is constitutionally appointed to direct and implement the safeguards against untouchability, to prosecute cases of untouchability.


Take Action

A bridge about to collapse in Bihar

/ February 22, 2023

The bridge that was built by the British is slowly chipping off, and fatal accidents are a regular occurrence there.   The villagers along with our Community Correspondent are requesting the Government officials to repair this bridge. They are getting assurance that the repair work will start soon though it...

Impact Story

The Positive Changes in a Primary Health Centre

/ February 16, 2023

The positive changes in one of the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Ramgarh District is encouraging.

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