Community Correspondents

Beena Bharti

Beena belongs to the Girdih district, Jamua block, village Navdhinga. To remove social evils like caste & gender-based discrimination and corruption inspired her to become a community correspondent. She learned about IndiaUnheard via Mukesh Rajak, VV's correspondent from Madhupur district of Jharkhand, who primarily works on health and corruption in his district. Being a housewife earlier, she never really interacted with officials before but now aims to rid her community of social evils. She thinks that her community is like a tightly knit family which will help her achieve her goals.

Videos from Beena

A health centre without doctors

/ January 29, 2015

January 29; Girdih, Jharkhand The sole health centre in the village of Nowdiha doesn’t have even a single doctor. The villagers have to travel 50 kilometres for treatment, to a different village altogether. Though the centre has been operationally active for the past 20 years, only 2 staff members show...