Community Correspondents

Chanda Bharti

Videos from Chanda

Why are Indian Girls out of School?

/ June 1, 2017

For Rajkumari, a school drop-out, the future only holds the drudgery of household chores, early marriage and child rearing.

Caste based discriminated in Classroom

/ September 17, 2015

Mansi has a startling revelation: the principal forced her to dispose of the carcass of a puppy. When she refused to do so she was brutally caned. That is not all, she is also regularly made to sweep the school premises. Investigation reveals that many children like Mansi are forced...

One Billion Rising: Employment Guarantee = Empowerment Guarantee

/ March 10, 2015

10th March 2015| Salahpur Panchayat, Uttar Pradesh | Chanda Bharti The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme, responsible for providing millions of Indians employment opportunities, has a special mandate to provide jobs for women. This emphasis is a bold move to tackle inequality women face, both in terms of...

Dilapidated school roof threatens safety of 100 students

/ October 22, 2014

The roof of the government school in Patti Block of Pratapgarh district leaks incessantly and is in the danger of falling down. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Chanda Bharti reports how this has endangered more than 100 students who study there. Government primary education centres go a long way in ensuring that...

Salahpur residents still crippled without electricity

/ August 28, 2014

The dalit suburban of Salahpur in Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh houses 1000 people. Communities like dalits, gaud & vishwakarma live here. These 1000 people have never witnessed electricity in the leisure of their own homes. 67 years post independence, electricity remains a dream for the people of Salahpur. The...