Community Correspondents

Geeta Tudu

Geeta Tudu is from Hazaribagh district, a land scarred by coal mining. The coalmines are now the main sources of livelihood for the residents of this district and also often the bane of their lives. The mining has reduced forest cover and along with that income earning opportunities for the once primarily agricultural community. This has thrown up issues such as child labour, child trafficking and illiteracy. With no parents to watch her back, Geeta dropped out of school and sustained herself by selling coal found near the CCL Coalfield. Finding out about Video Volunteers through a fellow Correspondent, Chunnu Hansda was Geeta’s shot at actively working to highlight the issues of her community, many that she faces herself.

Videos from Geeta

Displaced by Coal Mines, 30 Years wait for Jobs Promised – Geeta Tudu reports for...

/ August 27, 2015

Phusri Village, Hazaribag district of Jharkhand | Geeta Tudu Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), a producer and supplier of coal to power and steel sectors usurped 906 acres of land across 45 districts in Jharkhand in 1983. Over the next 30 years, a large number of people lost their land and...