Community Correspondents


Margaret Jeoji hails from a dalit Christian family in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, a state where the local media are all mouth-pieces of political parties, where the upper caste refuses to let go of its orthodoxy and where the women have been suppressed in the name of tradition. Margaret is a staunch human rights activist and feminist who has been working with community and women’s groups. She is exasperated with the media in her state which alternates between mindless entertainment and party propaganda and has no space for dalits, tribals and women. Margaret wants to cover the issues and concerns of her community from a women’s perspective.

Videos from Margaret

Article 17: Untouchability in a graveyard

/ August 22, 2014

This video documents discrimination on the basis of caste being practiced in a graveyard. The left side is allocated to the Dalits while the right is reserved for the non Dalits.  Father Arun acknowledges that untouchability has been perpetuating in the church and strongly condemns the practice of untouchability. 

Bad Maintenance Hazard in Family Park

/ August 8, 2012

Mukumbu Park in Trichy District is in bad shape.

Manual Scavengers forced to work without Safety Gear

/ April 26, 2012

Dalits are made to clean the Uyyakondan canal without any safety gears in the city of Trichy in Tamil Nadu. They are forced to clean plastic, acid waste, dead bodies, and human excreta from water, with their bare hands.  Even after passing of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction...

Cleaning Gutters With Bare Hands

/ February 15, 2012

Dalits work in dangerous, undignified conditions to clean sewage in Trichy, Tamil Nadu

Domestic Abuse Victim Gives Testimony

/ January 19, 2012

Woman talks about her life as a victim of domestic violence.

Govt. Threatens to Displace Community

/ November 11, 2011

The Forgotten People of Trichy Fight for their Homes

Long Walk To School

/ October 11, 2011

In rural Tamil Nadu, children walk six kilometers to get to school.