Community Correspondents

Nesatun Khatun


Nesatun was married off at the age of 15 but then broke all the rules by continuing her education from the school in her in-laws’ village school. The marriage didn’t hinder her from achieving her dreams though. She completed basic schooling and went on to advocate for the education of girls. Following in her footsteps, many local women signed up to complete their education.

Nesatun firmly believes that financial empowerment will lead to women achieving greater equality, independence and justice. In a country where most women depend on men for financial security, she  shares the financial responsibility of her household and daughter's education with her husband. After joining Video Volunteers as a Community Correspondent, she has helped widowed women demand their widow pension, and has reported on the lack of access to maternal health services.

West Bengal, along with Bangladesh, is one of the worst-affected places with arsenic poisoning in the world. Nesatun's home, Murshidabad is one such affected district in the state. Even as the state and central government continue to ignore the seriousness of the problem, Nesatun, along with many of West Bengal Community Correspondents, is gathering evidence that documents the effects of the contamination on her community as well as the apathy of the government to find a recourse to help the community.

Nesatun was previously associated with the NGO CINI, and worked extensively on issues of arsenic poisoned water, child marriage, gender violence and trafficking, and she is continuing to work on these subjects at Video Volunteers.

She is acutely aware of the fact that she and her community's lack of facilities have had no outside media interest so far. Therefore she has taken it upon herself to bring the rightful facilities to the community through digital storytelling.

Videos from Nesatun

This West Bengal Village has a Dirt Track for a Road

/ November 16, 2018

Khairamari village in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district has never had a road, except a dirt track that the government cleared out 20 years ago.

Take Action

Waiting for the Pittance that is the Disability Pension

/ September 21, 2018

A woman living with 90 percent disability in West Bengal waits for her pension of a thousand rupees a month, while the administration shuts its doors on her and her husband.

Married at Thirteen: How the State Failed a Teenager in Rural Bengal

/ May 15, 2017

Conditional Cash Transfer schemes are not enough when powerful patriarchal norms make it acceptable to marry off a child instead of investing in her education

West Bengal Health Centre running in a rented room

/ September 12, 2016

The Dumadi Sub-health centre of Khayramari Panchayat, Murshidabad district  in West Bengal operated from a small, rented room. Jayanti Sarkar, the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) of the centre reveals that they cater to over 7,000 patients of the region sans electricity, water facilties or proper waste disposal. “We had approached the Block Health Officer....

Pregnant women of Jharkhand village walk 16 kms for check-up and delivery

/ July 21, 2016

Mahamuda Bibi writhes in pain from the labour contractions that have started, but she has to stay strong till she reaches the hospital. However, unlike most urban women, who are driven there in an ambulance, or a vehicle, Mahamuda will have to walk 16 km from her village, Faridpur Pakurdiar...

Arsenic Poisoning goes unchecked for 25 years in Murshidabad, West Bengal

/ December 24, 2015

50 people have been affected by drinking arsenic-contaminated water since 1990. 6 people have already died this year. How much longer will the government wait to provide something as basic as clean drinking water? In Chamtepara, Khaymari village of Jalangi block in Murshidabad district of West Bengal, people have been...