Community Correspondents


Reena reports from Rohtak, Haryana. In a state infamous for a poor sex ratio and 'honour' killings at the behest of Khap Panchayats, Reena's camera tackles patriarchy and other systems of injustice. She's part of our Khel Badal campaign to dismantle patriarchy and makes videos documenting and challenging everyday patriarchal practices. 

Videos from Reena

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Manual Scavenging in India: Illegal, yet in Practise

/ October 17, 2019

In India, we continue to practice manual scavenging, a derogatory practice, confined to people belonging to lower castes and resulting in their deaths.

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Meet the Woman Who Changed Her Name at 45

/ September 28, 2018

Hundreds of girls in India are given names indicating they’re unwanted. A woman in Haryana broke this spell and took on a new name.

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Why must only Brutal Incidents of Violence Spark Outrage Against Rape Culture?

/ September 19, 2018

The recent gang rape of a 19-year old in Haryana is a reminder that rapes do not happen in a vacuum, they are a result of patriarchy and the rape culture it has built.

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Not ‘Honour’ Killings, but Murders to Exert Power

/ August 14, 2018

‘Honour’ killings aren’t about honour at all - they are murders carried out by the apparently powerful to maintain status quo of caste, power, and property.

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Love in the Time of Fear

/ February 14, 2018

At a time when lovers are threatened and killed for transcending the norms of caste, religion, class and gender, two couples from Haryana tell us about their beautiful stories.

Meet Rohtak’s Only Woman Motorcycle Mechanic

/ June 21, 2017

In a state infamous for crimes against women, Mukesh Devi, the only woman automobile mechanic, is running her repairing business with aplomb.