Community Correspondents

Sheela Sheikh

Sheela Sheikh- Village Bhagat Chawki , Block Nawagadi, Munger District, Bihar Sheela Sheikh primarily reports on issues related to women and Dalits When Sheela Sheikh was eight years old, her father’s death forced her family to overcome many new challenges, especially in situations that required combating patriarchal systems. When Sheela began working for the government, corruption and gender discrimination prevented her from achieving her goals. Eager to change these cultures and systems, she joined the Dalit Manvia Adhikar Ayog (Dalit Human Rights Committee) to support her community’s discriminated Dalits. She also worked with the Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch Sanstha (Dalit Women’s Rights Platform Association). These experiences cultivated her new knowledge about the situation of Dalits and women. She applies this knowledge to her reporting for Video Volunteers. She believes her reporting can change issues that have remained unaltered because of a lack of exposure.

Videos from Sheela

Corruption Denies the Poor Access to Government Schemes – Munger, Bihar

/ October 24, 2015

Around 100 families do not have BPL or APL cards in Ithari village of Munger district in Bihar. Below Poverty Line (BPL) cards are issued by the Indian Government to people who are financially very weak. Having these cards means that family can buy basic commodities at subsidised rates from...

Rural Housing scheme fails people of Munger, Bihar

/ October 9, 2015

Maniyarchak Ghat, Munger, Bihar | Sheila Sheikh Maniyarhak ghat has nearly 15 to 20 houses with a population of around 100 – 150 people. These villagers have never had ‘pukka’ houses been built for them. “We are poor people and cannot afford to build proper houses. Our houses are very...

Clean India Mission fails in Bihar

/ October 8, 2015

Munger, Bihar | Sheela Sheikh 300 people have not seen a toilet in 40 years. Swacch Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Mission’s  main objective is elimination of open defecation. This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of a ‘Clean India’ by 2 October 2019 which is on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th...

No prenatal check-ups, nutrition for pregnant women

/ July 6, 2015

Bajrangbali village, Munger district, Bihar | Sheela Sheikh An eight-month pregnant woman in Bihar has only ever received Iron Folic Acid tablets from the health facility in her village. She has neither been able to get pre-natal check-ups nor free nutrition that she is entitled to under the Janani Suraksha...

Missing Anganwadi centre, parents in despair

/ December 1, 2014

It is hard to find arguments against the value of an Anganwadi centre in a village, which is why it’s surprising when a village lacks this most essential institution. New Maniyar Chak village of Munger district in Bihar is one example. Home to over a dozen families, most of whom...

Elusive Schemes

/ July 23, 2014

For many of India’s most marginalised communities, Government schemes that are meant to provide economic support are elusive dreams. They know schemes exist, they find no way of accessing them. In Bajrangbali Nagar, Munger District Bihar this is what 150 people faced. Community Correspondent Sheela Sheikh reports from the village....

10 Years No Light

/ July 15, 2014

“It has been around 10-11 years now, since we have had no electricity in our village.” Can you imagine living without electricity for 10 years!  This is the reality for residents at Harijan Kalyan Tola Mushajari village, Bihar.   Call to Action: You can help them.  Call the number below and...

Bajrangbali Nagar needs a New Road

/ July 14, 2014

Residents of Bajarangbali Nagar village have been suffering with the bad roads in their village for the last couple of years.  They have told the Chief Officer countless times, but he has given them false promises of fixing the road.  They need your help to pressurise the Development Officer to...