Community Correspondents

Vinod Wankhede

Vinod Wankhale from Buldhani lives with his wife, son and two daughters. Belonging to the Dalit community and having read widely about Dalit discrimination he was inspired to work for there rights. He wants to work on stories about povery and education. He says: ‘From my interaction with the community I feel that the community has not benefited from government schemes as the community remains illiterate and people who work on schemes do not make sure that these schemes reach the people. When I read about government schemes I try to inform people about it.’

Videos from Vinod

Youth empowers the local farmers through his youtube videos

/ August 11, 2022

The Community Correspondent (CC) Vinod Wankhede from Buldana, Maharashtra, in this video is speaking to Sanket Jaidev Wankhede, a final year Horticulture student who chose to become a youtuber in this lock down period. 

Community Survey

Bad Health, Unemployment in COVID 19 Times Leads Maharashtra Villager to Suicide

/ August 5, 2020

Madhukar Harmkar, a 60 year old daily wage worker from Maharashtra died by suicide after he could not support his family in times of Covid-19 lockdown.

Take Action

Dalit Children Stopped from Singing Song Dedicated to Ambedkar

/ April 15, 2018

Though the children’s parents had taken permission from the school authorities, Marathas from the village asked the school to end the Republic Day event early and to not sing the song as it was not 'part of their tradition'.

Farmers fear losing their land to sports complex project

/ July 17, 2015

Buldhana, Maharashtra| Vinod Wankhede In Wadi budruk village, Buldhana district, Maharashtra farming land which belongs to communities belonging to backward classes is being acquired by the government for the development of a sports complex. Residents have written to the authorities opposing the project over and over again. However their appeals...

Quality Education Required

/ February 4, 2014

The Right to Education Act came into effect in India on 1st April 2010. A few things that the Act envisions for all schools in India are: · Clean drinking water for all students · Hygienic, separate toilets for girls and boys · Library for studying · Playground It also...

Gondhal- The lesser known folk artist!

/ February 3, 2014

He puts on his costume and picks up his instrument, time to go to work. Work for Kisan Kate comes when he goes around his village in Buldhana, Maharashtra performing the Gondhal. The Gondhal is a ritual of Maharashtra which includes narrative performance in order to obtain blessings from Goddess...