
“A government official can suppress petitions but not a video”

/ April 11, 2022

Meet Anil Kumar Saroj, our Community Correspondent from Bhadoi district in Uttar Pradesh who has proved that one does not need to put on a mask, wear a bodysuit or take the law into their own hands to fight for the rights of neglected communities and give them their dues.

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Bombay High Court Directs Striking MSRTC Employees to Resume Duty Without Fear  

/ April 8, 2022

The MSRTC employees are demanding Government employee status and hence to be able to receive the benefits of a dignified employment.

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Lack of Bridge Costs Life Of A Young Man In Shopian

/ April 7, 2022

The above video is from Shopian, about the death of a 26 year old youth, drowned in the river while carrying Rice and Corn on his back, is heartbreaking.

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Join Buland Bol Program to Strengthen the Voice of your Community

/ April 5, 2022

The Buland Bol program is for those members of the community, who would like to raise voices, to change the scenario for betterment and work towards equality and justice.

Impact Story

ASHA and Anganwadi Workers Praised VV and The Quint’s Community Level Initiative to Fight against...

/ April 2, 2022

The ASHA and Anganwadi workers became a multiplier for this program as they are anyway ingrained in community health.

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Ahead of Summer, Jharkhand is Facing Acute Water Crisis

/ March 31, 2022

The once green Jharkhand, filled with dozens of rivers and tributaries and natural springs is slowly drying up.

Impact Story

Community Correspondent Shabnam Fight Against Nepotism to Ensure Justice to a Widow

/ March 22, 2022

Our community correspondents are embedded in their neighbourhood localities and they get to hear the slightest ruffles in their vicinity

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Organic Farming attracts youths in Chattisgarh # छत्तीसगढ़िया युवा किसानों ने दिखाई जैविक और उन्नत...

/ March 18, 2022

Pradan (Professional Assistance for Development Action) and a few other local organisations have joined hands and are teaching the youths of 40 panchayats about organic farming.