
Dysfunctional Anganwadi Centre in Odisha

/ June 20, 2022

Almost every year, The Government of Odisha launches several developmental schemes to strengthen the Decentralised Feeding Program of ICDS, their focus is entirely on empowerment of children, women, and persons with disabilities and senior citizens.

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Displaced Tribal Families of Sundargarh Receives Hollow Assurance, No Relief Ensured so far

/ May 27, 2022

The villagers, whenever they raise their voices, were always pushed down and shooed away, the local police started harassing them, sometimes even arresting them on flimsy issues.

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Join Buland Bol Program to Strengthen the Voice of your Community

/ April 5, 2022

The Buland Bol program is for those members of the community, who would like to raise voices, to change the scenario for betterment and work towards equality and justice.

Awaz Ho Buland: Human Trafficking in East India

/ February 15, 2022

Human trafficking largely in the tea gardens of West Bengal and other eastern states like Orissa, Jharkhand, and Bihar continues and affects thousands of lives.

Awaz Ho Buland: Nationwide Home Demolitions During Pandemic Times Is A Violation of Human Rights

/ February 3, 2022

Demolitions across 22 states have rendered more than 54,000 people homeless.

Women, Children, Elderly Suffering in Puri, Odisha As Water Floods Their Houses

/ November 22, 2021

91 people are suffering in Bijaya Nagar slums of Puri and the administration hasn't come to their rescue yet.

Community Health Centre in Bhubaneshwar Severely Understaffed

/ November 22, 2021

Three nurses are doing jobs meant for a total of nine nurses.

Odisha’s Coir Industry Has No Insurance Against Cyclones

/ November 16, 2021

An industry that employs several thousand people is not covered under any social security schemes of the Odisha government.