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Transgender India: Surviving society

/ February 22, 2020

This week in India Loud & Clear we take you in the rainbow world of transgenders.

Will Floating Casinos Affect the Elections Race in Goa?

/ February 3, 2017

Goa goes to the polls on Saturday, with the BJP, the Congress and debutant AAP locked in a three-way battle. Although opinion polls have suggested a clear majority for the BJP, the issue of off-shore casinos just might turn out to be a spoiler. When the saffron party came to...

The Goa Forest Warriors: Community Action stops destruction of indigenous forest

/ December 13, 2016

When the Forest Department of Goa started destroying the natural forests, the local tribal communities united to protect the forest and succeeded. See the extraordinary story of Goa’s forest warriors. Environmentally conscious citizens of the Cancona forest live in with the nature – borrowing its produce carefully for their cattle...

Goa hotelier turning food waste into energy

/ May 6, 2016

Food wastage is an alarming issue in India. The onus of the food waste collectively lies on the millions of households, canteens, hotels, social and family functions, weddings, etc which throw away hundreds of kgs of food away, every day. For the past six months, Jack has installed a 4-kg...

Impact: Goa’s rich green cover saved by community uprising

/ April 22, 2016

The local residents of Goa have used traditional medicines made from various local herbs and plants found their gardens and forest to lead a healthy life. The foliage in the forest is fodder for cattle from nearby villages. The Forest department of Goa was felling indegenous trees of the local...

Let our love abide: Bismarque Dias

/ December 10, 2015

“Be Kind, Live Kind…together we can make a difference.” This video is a tribute to Bismarque Dias, his fiery spirit, and his unending love for his Mother, Goa. In his early days, Bismarque spent his time as a priest inspiring young people across Goa to voice their opinions and concerns....

Abhay Deol at the closing ceremony of the largest community media gathering of India

/ October 6, 2015

The largest community media gathering of grassroots video journalists came to a close on Oct. 4, in Candolim, Goa. Actor Abhay Deol was at the ceremony, where he watched videos made by community video correspondents from around India. Later, when he fielded questions from Video Volunteers’ correspondents, he was put in a unique...

Is India really Independent?

/ August 15, 2015

“Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge… At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” – Jawaharlal Nehru On 15th August 2015, India celebrates 69th year of...