

India’s caste system is one of the world’s oldest forms of social stratification. Its most egregious manifestation is untouchability, which deems certain people “impure” and forces them into a life apart. Despite the fact that caste discrimination has been illegal in India since 1950, untouchability is still a part of modern Indian society.  

Since 2010, Video Volunteers has been documenting untouchability across the length and breadth of the country.  Correspondents have reported extensively on caste discrimination and caste violence There are reports on ‘manual scavenging,’ the inhumane caste-based occupation of cleaning and handling human excreta from dry latrines and sewers. There are testimonies of Dalit farmers whose crops or homes are burnt simply because of their caste; of tribal leaders killed for protesting their rights; young students forced to do maintenance jobs in schools because of their Dalit background.

These reports form the basis of a Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court, filed by the Human Rights Law Network, which demands that the government take proactive steps to implement the constitutional prohibition of untouchability. VV’s reports are a unique record, in part because untouchability itself is often hidden from public view, and thus can only be captured by someone from the community.

Pregnant Girl Strangulated and Dumped in the Name of Honour

/ January 10, 2017

Geeta, a 17-year-old girl, struggled to breathe as her father Kailash, strangulated her. Her grandmother, Mem, struggled to free Geeta from Kailash’s grip, but hate was stronger than love, and Geeta died. ” I saw it happen in front of me. Her body was thrown in the dump yard by...

Caste or Daughter? “Caste” said the father.

/ November 26, 2016

An honor killing or shame killing is the homicide of a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family. A father killed his own daughter because she eloped with a boy from another caste and...

Caste Discrimination keeps Dalit Children from Schools

/ November 14, 2016

In Uttar Pradesh, a primary school accommodates students from nearby villages in Pratapghar district. Among them is Mansi, a student of class two. Mansi has a startling revelation: the principal forced her to dispose off the carcass of a puppy. When she refused to do so she was brutally caned....

Caste Discrimination keeps Dalit Children from Schools

/ November 14, 2016

In Uttar Pradesh, a primary school accommodates students from nearby villages in Pratapghar district. Among them is Mansi, a student of class two. Mansi has a startling revelation: the principal forced her to dispose off the carcass of a puppy. When she refused to do so she was brutally caned....

Dalits denied the right to build house

/ August 29, 2016

A crime is committed against a  Dalit every 18 minutes, according to a 2010 report by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on the prevention of atrocities against Scheduled Castes.                              This is probably the reason why 50 residents of Rajwara village in Bihar are forced to live in thatched huts even...

Torture for Dalit for standing up against discrimination

/ June 20, 2016

Sanjukta Samal, whose husband works at a Dalit organisation in Jagatshinghpur District of Odisha, was beaten up by the upper caste people, because he was fighting back the discrimination in their village. Her son was robbed of his mobile and moped on his way to home one day. When Sanjukta’s...

Dalit students discriminated in a school from Gujarat

/ May 27, 2016

Discrimination against Dalits is in the educational system is a widespread problem across Indian states. The students are often alienated socially in their classrooms. They are victims of physical abuse by classmates and educators, from primary education to university. A glaring example of this discrimination was captured in Gujarat’s Surendranagar...

Discrimination steals children off a normal school life

/ May 12, 2016

A school in Surendranagar, Gujrat has been serving mid-day meals to its students based on their caste. Panva Primary School, during mid-may meals, served as part of a school meal programme by the government of India designed to improve the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide, was openly discriminating against...